Thursday 1 June 2023

Grade 7 Social Studies - Week of May 29 to June 2

This week, we have completed our twelfth chapter from the textbook.  Be sure to complete all of the REVIEW section while preparing for the test.  

On Thursday, June 8th we will have our Chapter 12 Test about Changing Societies in the West.  The following items will be tested:


  • assimilate
  • Benefit Society
  • homesteader
  • religious persecution

Also, know the following events, concepts or places:

  • Head Tax—why did the government impose the tax on Chinese immigrants?
    • Why did the Canadian government worry that Asians would not assimilate easily in the settling of Western Canada?
  • Eastern European immigrants—why were they considered good citizens for populating Western Canada?
    • Which countries did the Eastern European settlers come from?
    • Why did the government feel that the Eastern European settlers would assimilate easily into Western Canada?
    • Why did the Eastern European settlers prefer to establish large farms?
    • Why did the Eastern European settlers prefer to only socialize with people from their own background?
    • Why didn’t the Eastern European settlers place a high emphasis on education?
  • Francophone struggle for language rights in the West
    • was the struggle like climbing a ladder (steady, straight progress) or like a teeter-totter (up and down)?
  • Haultain Resolution
  • Manitoba Act
  • Reserves
  • Residential School
  • What does the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms state regarding Francophone Canadians education rights (who live as minorities)?
  • Why do Chinese-Canadians build cultural centres in their cities in the modern day?
  • Why does moving from country to another has a large impact on the identity that a group develops?
  • Why was the building of Catholic schools important to Francophones in the late 1800s?
  • Why were Catholic church leaders concerned that most of the settlers to the west were not Catholic?
  • Treaty—what moved the First Nations people to sign the Numbered Treaties?
    • Did the Canadian Government and First Nations people understand the terms of the Numbered Treaties in the exact same way?
    • First Nations people were used to recording their events in oral histories and the Canadian government insisted that everything was in writing—why was the problem for the Treaties?
  • UFA

Students will need to study and understand the material, and will not be allowed to use any reference materials during the test.  They will also need to be able to use their knowledge and understanding to:

·         show critical thinking

·      apply historical and geographic skills to bring meaning to issues and events

·      apply skills of metacognition, reflecting upon what they have learned

·      communicate ideas and information in an informed, organized, and persuasive manner